African teak(aka. Iroko) hardwood flooring are made of planks milled from a single piece of timber from Congo in West Africa. African teak solid plank wood flooring is originally used for structural purposes, being installed perpendicular to the wooden support beams of a building known as joists or bearers.Beofre milling to final finished interior flooring it is kiln or air dried. Depending on the desired look of prefinished flooring, Iroko timber can be cut in three ways: flat-sawn, quarter-sawn, and rift-sawn.With grooves cut into the back of the wood plank that run the length of each plank, often called absorption strips, that are intended to reduce cupping.
Iroko is big round logs,the timber has strong corrossion resistance on outdoor conditions, it is seen as deck flooring in western countries.The prominent advantage of Iroko is the nice straight golden wood grains attracting people for nice interior decoration. On the other hand we offer 90mm width solid Iroko parquet srart at 2.8USD/s.q.f only, which is mostly acceptable for common projectors.
We supply click lock & T&G system for iroko solid wood flooring in size , random length x 3/4" , 5" x 3/4 "
Iroko Solid Wood Flooring Specifications:
Common Name(s):Okan /Iroko/African teak
Scientific Name: Milicia excelsa, M. regia (syn. Chlorophora excelsa, C. regia)
Distribution: Tropical Africa
Janka Hardness: 1,260 lbf (5,610 N)
Modulus of Rupture: 12,700 lbf/in2 (87.6 MPa)
Elastic Modulus: 1,360,000 lbf/in2 (9.38 GPa)
Crushing Strength: 7,840 lbf/in2 (54.0 MPa)
Shrinkage : Radial: 2.8%, Tangential: 3.8%, Volumetric: 8.8%, T/R Ratio: 1.4
Fungi resistance: Very durable
Dry wood borers: Durable
Termite resistance: Durable
Treatability: Not permeable
Fiber saturation point: 25%
Density at 12%: 0.91g/cm3 Heavy
Plank Size : Random length *3.75"/5" width *3/4thick